Thursday, 22 January 2015

Most Definitely NOT on the Top

No one will ever be on the top.

I say this with much humility, it had never crossed my mind that I am one of the best in my town let alone the entire country. Not for a second.

Though my actions may seem to be, but I am not. I am a humble man.

Actually the fact that I am saying this makes everything sound the exact opposite.

I would say I am a subconscious snob. Most of the time I regret and am ashamed of my actions seconds later.


I felt extra nervous that day. Almost like the feeling I always have whenever I am about to meet my baby D.

Perhaps I had found the ONE. The almost perfect workplace that I had always wanted to work in.

With a bit of previous experience in introducing my hometown, Ipoh to some cute and shy Australian boys back in my secondary school days, I thought I did not need much practice.

As expected, I did not cover the food part, which Ipoh is inevitably famous for, and got silenced by the interviewers' questions about food. Good thing I managed to save my pride from shame with a bit of knowledge about Ipoh's attraction sites. Phew...

 I always thought I could out-play the interviewers with, what I thought then was sufficient knowledge in Interview Psychology. I was wrong. I could not even control my own emotions and what was stirring inside of me. I stammered and went blank for the first few questions.

When asked about my 2 strong, positive, unique points about myself, I beat around the bushes, mentioning that I am a FLAMBOYANT person, basically an attention whore, when I want to or whenever my friends are around me, because that is where I get my courage from, most of the time.

 I went on to my second strong point, WHICH I COULD NOT THINK OF. I do not think highly of myself, remember? LOOK UP! *coughs* Being curious, INQUISITIVE and willing to learn was what I meant to say, but Mr Bean (One of the interviewers) said I was nosy, which he thought could be a bad thing.

Reluctantly, I spitted out words or sentences about myself. Going around the fact that I have a preference which is different from the society's "normality", but not giving them the pearl. I mentioned something about living 2 lives and be confident when I am expected to be AND *POOF!* Mr Bean did his magic and chanted his spell on me being an introvert but showing to others that I am an extrovert, INDECISIVE! BULL'S EYE! He wanted to ask for a confirmation if what he said was true. I merely nodded and murmured abashedly, yes.

I then, told the tale of me, failing in managing the crew from the Voyager Board, like how I had recited to the teacher adviser many times, in hope to get her true advice. My intentions were good, I only wanted to satisfy everyone. *POOF!* "STUBBORN! YOU THINK YOU'RE RIGHT, YOU'RE RIGHT! Everyone else is wrong! Am I right?" A guffaw was what I answered him.

I walked out of the door forgetting that I ever had spines at the back of my neck.



What lies on the top depends on me.  I decide its colour, texture and taste.

What lied on top that day was truly impressive and a privilege for me to have witnessed with my own flesh and lots of sweat.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Truly Living the Real Life in the Real World

2015 - the year I am truly living the real life in the real world

Hectic new year, it has been. Maybe not. I am just exaggerating. In fact, I am ALWAYS exaggerating.

Have only been lazy, really. =P
Allow me to bring you back to the first minute of 2015.

The first person I saw on New Year was none other than my baby D. We decided to watch a movie on a New Year at 12.05 am that day. It was "Seventh Son". Since I am not paid to make any reviews on the movie, I am just gonna say that, the movie was freaking bad, but the company was what I needed.

A very typical new-hero-is-born movie it is. As expected, the main actor, which I think is cute, starts as a pig farmer with special abilities. He has visions of the future. Like all fairy tales, the hero always saves the day. What happens in between is so insignificant to me that I do not even want to mention it here. Poor Julianne Moore! =[ She is gorgeous and wicked, loved her!

You go, gurl! :3 (


2015, too marks the year I start working like the society wants me to.

I started looking for jobs on JobStreet, MyPrivateTutor, JenJobs, MauKerja and what not.

I was hoping that I could find a part-time tutoring job just for the mean time, until I find a proper job that can actually teach me something. I guess that is just not happening. MyPrivateTutor happens to be a site where "students", mostly parents looking for tutors who have the money to pay for the early subscription, which is about RM 85. ONLY with the subscription will you get to see the contacts of the "students". I FELT CHEATED! </3

With just much anticipation, I polished my resume and made it as shiny and as noticeable as my experiences allow. With much effort and time spent to write a polite and cute cover letter when sending my resumes to the companies, little did I expect myself to be CHEATED, AGAIN!

SCREW THE REAL WORLD! So the company was looking for Event Crew, and I got called up for an interview 2 days after I have sent my resume, which is a bit too fast for any proper companies to really scan through all the resumes. There, much to my delights, I started Googling about the company for preparation. Not only did I not find the offcial website of that particular company, I found out from the LowYat forum that it is a fraud.

BESIDES, which company would call you in the morning to remind you of the interview?
Which company would call you again after realizing that you did not attend the interview?

Whoever was on the phone was downright desperate and sounds fishy. *smells fish* EW!

A few days later, another phone call. I was once again called up for an interview in the exact location as the first one which I chose not to attend to. This time, it was a different company, WHICH I would not even have applied for if I knew they did not have an official website for their "multi-national, marketing company which is based in the UK". When asked about the basics, she dodged it. KTHXBYE, BIATCH! </3


Reading back my very first post on this blog.

Gosh, how pathetic! I did not even realise that it has already been a year. Well, I guess happy time just runs faster! =D